Corporate Policies


Ethics Policy

The DCM Group believes that a fair and honest attitude towards our clients, employees, subcontractors and suppliers will ensure our success. As a business, we find it essential to incorporate management that is ethical, professional and trustworthy.

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Health & Safety Policy

DCM management considers occupational health and safety essential to its activities. We recognize the right to a safe environment for all our employees, the public and the surrounding workers.

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Anti-Harassment & Discrimination Policy

DCM management is fully committed to preventing and ceasing psychological harassment, including sexual harassment in the workplace, as well as discrimination based on race, skin color, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, marital status, age, religion, political beliefs, language, ethnicity, social condition disability.

Aboriginal Relations Policy

DCM believes in building strong long-term relationships with the aboriginal communities based on mutual respect and economic development. We recognize that these people represent a valuable pool of potential employees, subcontractors and joint venture partners.

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Drug & Alchohol Policy

DCM sees the skills and know-how of each of its employees as essential to the fulfillment of its mission. It also recognizes that the quality of this contribution starts with a healthy environment, free from alcohol and drugs consumption.

Environmental Policy

At DCM, we are strongly committed to the well-being of our environment. We ask that all our employees uphold our environmental management practices and observe all applicable environmental laws and regulations.

Quality Policy

At DCM, we are committed to satisfying our customers by meeting or exceeding all project quality requirements and objectives without compromising budgets or schedule. We ensure the quality of our work through processes and systems that guide our activities.

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Social Responsibility Policy

DCM management is committed to providing a work environment in which the rights of workers and working conditions are respected which ultimately contribute to building a harmonious workplace.

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